On Audio:
On the Laura Lee Show on Monday 14 Nov 06; Carl Munck - Decoding the Ancient Sites
Did some ancient societies have an elaborate system of measuring and mapping an early Earth grid, and encode data into the design of temples? You decide if Munck is onto something with his theories on "archeocryptography". Could be useful to enhancing advancing some theories of church placement as well.
Not of Grail news, but a pretty good deal for those of you trying to trace down your UK roots, Ansestry UK has free searchable immigration records from the UK to the US from 1820 to 1960 until 30 Nov 06
For all your Crusade studies, History Channel looks at sex in the Middle Ages Saturday, 18 Nov 06 at 10:00pm CST.
A week late, but the Scotsman has a very detailed article about the Apprentice Pillar at Rosslyn Chapel.
A one stop web site for all things relating to Alchemy. There is a lengthy listing of texts, a searchable database of alchemical emblems, discussion groups, and articles to be found here.