Grail Seekers this week:
Time and tide changes all things, or so my fortune cookie from last night’s dinner said…. Maybe my outlook on life, the universe and everything will change this week.
On Audio:
The Oopa Loopa Café will have a show on Oz’s visit to the Kensington Rune Stone on the 10th.
The Laura Lee show will have Michael Heiser on ancient Semitic languages on the 10th; and Michael Cremo on the 12th.
In the News:
Well Jimmy Page’s Grail tapestry didn’t sell at auction this week. I wonder if it will show up on Ebay?
Well we now know the Achesons from Hertford aren’t part of the “Ancient & Noble Order of the Knights Templar”. I had a feeling they would denounce the group.
A North Fort Myers Masonic Lodge was broken into and $49,000 worth of “relics” were taken.
Two Israeli Rabbis think the Ark of the Covenant is still in Jerusalem.
The Times Online opens up the English HQ of the Hospitilars.
Was Sodom and Gomorrah hit by a comet?
The BBC reports excavations inside the Stonehenge ring will start soon.
On Film:
Movie Vine reviews Philip Gardiner's The Bond Code
. Who knew Flemming was into alchemy?
On the Web:
Priory of examines André Bonhomme’s role in the formation of the POS.
Red Ice Creations posted all of the Occult History of the Third Reich
Live Science takes us back to the Council of Nicea
Blog On:
The “to be continued” blog has a concise history of the Oak Island mysteries.
Numerologist Gary Van Tenuta has an open letter on Tracy Twyman’s blog on some intriguing gematria.
The Kemo’s Journal blog explains the Templar’s greatest secret…
1 comment:
Hi Brian, Here's another movie to add to your list. Bloodline-the Movie, to be released in May. It's a documentary, detective-type personal journey which takes us to all the places the DaVinci Code went and finds new artifacts supporting the Sacred Union of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. We'll see! They've got a gorgeous website .
I enjoyed looking at your blog, you've got lots of great information.
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