Key to the Sacred Pattern

08 October 2006

The Return of the Grail Seeker and Article Wrap up Since August.

After a long silence, I think things have calmed down at work enough for me to resume the work of a Grail Seeker… My apologies to all that have been reading the blog. Without further ado, here’s a recap of the Grail and Grail related topics in the media for the last few weeks.

This Week’s Media

  • Monday night on Coast to Coast AM: Publisher of online travel journal, Mysterious World, Doug Elwell will discuss the Irish origins of Halloween, and provide info on fairies and leprechauns, as well as wizards, druids and cryptids.
  • Thursday 12 Oct 06 at 9:00pm EST, the History Channel will premier a special entitled The Secrets of the Dollar Bill. This special will explore the symbolism of US currency and will take a look at the US Treasury Department.

Articles and Interviews from August to Present:

  • The Guardian presented a good article on the melding of Masonic and Pagan symbolism in Nicholas Hawksmoor’s architecture. Hawksmoor was the architect of a number of Churches in London 250 years ago.
  • Physorg reports that scientists from the US Department of Energy find anomalies in silver contents of pottery during the Second Temple period. What does this mean to the Grail Seeker? I’m not sure, but it’s interesting none the less.
  • The Dead Sea Scrolls are now being tested for DNA to help piece more of the document’s fragments together.
  • Those of you that follow Carl Jung and his wife’s interest in the Grail and mystics might be interested in this article on Jung’s more mystic bent.
  • I’m guessing that the BBC read my article on Jesus in Japan and was inspired to report on it. Ok, maybe not. But if that interested you, check out their research here.
  • Robert Cooper has a new book out called the The Rossyln Hoax. (Once again avalibe only in the UK at present) I met Robert at a Masonic conference at London’s Canonbury Masonic Research Centre in 1999. He’s not only a very knowledgeable guy, but he also is the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum and Library in Edinburgh. A summary of the book can be found here.
  • In the realm of fiction, Johny Depp has been tapped in a film version of Dark Horse Comic’s Rex Mundi

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