Last month I reported that Ed McGrath had come up with a simple solution to the Shughburough Hall; Shepherds at Arcadia inscription. Since Ed posted his theory on Daily Grail
it would seem that he's been busy fleshing it out. Ed sent me a couple of e-mails the other day expounding on his theories. He's done some interesting work that I thought everyone might be interested in. The e-mails are reprinted in their entirety.
Hi Brian,
I like your blog. I solved the “mystery” of the Poussin painting but the anointed ones do not accept it, too simple they say, no geodic designs or sacred pentagrams. It is heresy to stomp on their “holy grail”. The mystery itself has become the grail to them, nobody should upset it. I am offering a solution, if you would like to publish it on your site. I will send a separate mail for OUOSVAVV.
Please let me know what you think of the discovery.
This is the solution to a 370 year old mystery painting done in France in 1638. The "best minds" in the world have tried to solve it and failed; Dan Brown tackled the subject in the Da Vinci Code but could not come up with the solution. This is NEWS for anyone interested in solving puzzles similar to those proposed by Dan Brown in his books. People like to "see" a problem, with a logical solution provided. Even if the solution sparks debate, they are still interested in it. I would like to see this published because it provides an alternative explanation.
Poussin Painting Decoded – A New Theory
My theory is that Poussin encoded the location of Rennes le Chateau in the painting, using longitude and latitude references. When the painting was done in 1639, the international Prime Meridian in Greenwich was not yet established. The French used the Paris Meridian as the zero longitude reference. Paris is at 002 degrees E longitude, based on the Greenwich meridian.
The shepherds in Poussin's painting seem to be pointing to 42.9N and 0E (O degrees, relative to the Paris Meridian). Rennes le Chateau is at 42 Degrees 56 Minutes North and 0 Degrees East (using the Paris Meridian). Here is what it looks like! Poussin Pointing the Way to Rennes le Chateau
Rennes le Chateau Mystery
The mystery at Rennes le Chateau has baffled people for years. A parchment was found by Abbee Sauniere in 1891 that gave a clue to an old Nicholas Poussin painting and it is believed that the painting refers to Rennes le Chateau. The painting "Et in Arcadia Ego" " shows a tomb and people consider that the background scenery fits the location of Rennes. Nobody can provide a clear answer how a painting, with a scene that could be anywhere in the world, definitely points to that location. There would be thousands of tombs and locations to search. There is doubt about the existence of the tomb at Rennes when Poussin did his painting (tomb was built in 1902, destroyed in 1986).
History of the Prime Meridian
The International Prime Meridian at Greenwich England was not established until 1884. France did not participate at this meeting and continued to use Paris for their Prime Meridian.
King Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu re-established, the French Prime Meridian in 1634 by Royal Decree,. Richelieu commissioned Poussin in 1635 to paint “The Triumph of Pan” (they knew each other five years before Shepherdess painting) Longitude and Latitude measurements were known to them in the early 1600s.
I may not be "right" about the discovery of the pointing Shepherds, but at least it points to a simple solution of the Poussin painting.
To paraphrase Occam's Razor: All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one.
Please get a decent copy of the painting and measure the angles yourself rather than accept what I have shown. I used Visio 2003 and the footer image from Andrew Gough's Arcadia website
Ed McGrath
Second E-mail
Hi Brian,
Here is something else for you to consider on your blog:
When I read Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, I read about the mystery sculpture, a Reverse bas relief of a Poussin painting, at Shugborough House in England it says that the code can not be broken, its inscription DOUOSVAVVM could not be deciphered.
I have read about a lot of decoding attempts. They all have one thing in common, they do not consider that this is an inscription on a monument.
Why does everyone try to decipher the inscription out of context? It is an inscription on a very detailed, and modified, mirror image of a famous painting. If the monument above the inscription is not significant, why carve it? Carving the inscription alone would save a lot of time and grief.
My solution keeps the inscription and monument in the same context and it can be validated by external information (i.e. Sauniere parchment clue to Shepherdess and Poussin painting) The
Background Information Antoine Bigou miscarved the date MDCCLXXXI (1781) as MDCOLXXXI. He changed C to O (not a Roman Numeral). His uncle preceded Sauniere as Abbee at Rennes-de-Chateau.
Poussin painted Les Bergers d’Acadie (1635-50) – the title is French
Sauniere discovered a parchment (1891) that read, in part, “Shepherdess…Poussin…key…”
A reverse bas relief carving of Les Bergers d’Acadie, by Stuart is located at Shugborough house near Staffordshire England (1755)
There are eight letters on one line of the bas relief, two letters on next line
Sauniere decoded the messages and found the Grail even though he was not a Templar initiate – he did not possess the esoteric knowledge thought to be needed.
The Bas relief at Shugborough Hall England is a “REVERSE” image of the Poussin’s painting.
There are 10 letters on inscription, eight on one line.
Bigou replaced C with O in his carving (Bigou was also involved with Sauniere parchments)
Read the word on the first line of the inscription O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V REVERSED (i.e. upside down and mirrored) A.A.V.A.S.O.N.O
Now, REVERSE what Bigou did on the headstone: Replace the O with a C in the eight-letter word.
The modified line now looks like this: A.A.V.A.S.C.N.C
This is an anagram, in French and has two words: "Canvas and Ca (Picture and That – it will not translate as a phrase from French to English, it is two separate words: Picture! That! Admonishing the reader to look at the original painting) As I have noted elsewhere, the original painting has shepherds pointing to the Longitude and Latitude of Rennes le Chateau
The. D and M appear on a separate line and seem to be meaningless, outside the clue (Help??)
N.B: I have also solved the Teniers painting clue and all of Parchment #1
Ed McGrath